With a proper water supply, we can prevent many problems.
Water is the most important " basic food " and the elixir of life for mammals.
In my opinion, lack of drinking water is one of the biggest problems on pig farms. Not only in sows.
Weaned piglets with a lack of drinking water can more easily develop an increased number of streptococci.
The drinking water supply needs a sufficiently high water pressure and a sufficient flow rate, this should not be underestimated.
The reason is that in the optimal situation the animals have to drink more than they actually need.
This means that more pathogens are disposed of through the urine.
This subsequently results in a decrease in the number of problematic births.
Water shortage also manifests itself in lower feed intake, resulting in frustration and tail biting.
Therefore, the drinking nipples of pigs should be checked regularly.
Often we see too many pigs on too few drinking nipples.
I recommend 11, maximum 12 pigs per drinking nipple. For optimal availability of drinking water.
In this case, less is more!
Did you know that to produce about 16 to 18 liters of milk, farrowing sows need around 35 to 40 liters of drinking water per day...
Source text Ronald Rongen, photo Magdalena Krebs