Februari 2025
On Thursday evening, Feb. 13, 2025, the annual "Vitelia Masterclass Farming with Future" for young agricultural entrepreneurs aged between 16 and 35 took place in Oirlo, the Netherlands.
Remon Kissen, general manager of Coöperatie Vitelia UA, opened the Masterclass with a back and forward look.
After that a plenary session was started with Ger Koopmans, chairman of LTO. He briefed those present on current political issues.
Next, those present were given the opportunity to participate in the lectures of the three guest speakers:
- Wim Thomassen (UPP salesman):
On working together on a sustainable earnings model in the egg and broiler market.
- Ruud Michels (owner Growth with Michels):
How and with whom do I determine the direction of my (pork) business. What data are there to benchmark and how and with whom can I spar about this?
- Ronald Rongen (founder and owner Low Stress Stockmanship Europe):
About how cattle perceive their environment and how this can be applied in practice on your dairy farm. This in terms of efficient, safe and animal-friendly handling of dairy cows.
This Masterclass is also eligible for 'HAS Linturen' for the students of the courses 'Business Administration and Agribusiness' and 'Animal Husbandry' of the HAS Green Academy. The opportunity was well used.
It was an educational and very pleasant evening for all participants!
Source photo Vitelia
November 2024
At the request of Dairy Training Centre Oenkerk, LSSE provided a one-day training course on "Low Stress Stockmanship in Practice" for participants of the Professional cattle Pedicure Course.
Ronald Rongen showed future Cattle Claw trimmers, low stress handling of cattle, and why cattle sometimes become stressed.
After a theoretical explanation of how cattle perceive their environment, and how you can react to this, practice followed on a dairy farm.
Various practical situations were also closely analyzed in theory and practice.
All this to realise a safe, efficient and animal-friendly way of working.
Source photos Ronald Rongen
May 2024
In my position as Animal Welfare Officer, I (Ronald Rongen), visited several cattle farms on Tenerife to advise and train livestock farmers on breeding and selection of local Canary cattle breeds. Purpose of this is to develop a targeted breeding policy and to reduce the number of inbred cattle in the “Vaca basta canaria”. This local breeds are an important cultural asset in Spain and are not used for bullfighting. The Canarian cow (Vaca basta canaria), is classified in the Official Catalogue of Spanish Breeds as an autochthonous and endangered breed.
It is together with the Palmera one of the two autochthonous cattle breeds of the archipelago.
Geographical spread:
Animals of this breed are found mainly on the islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife. On the island of Tenerife they are found mainly in the north-east, with a gradual increase in numbers observed in recent years in the south part of the island. In Gran Canaria, they are scattered throughout the entire territory. Finally, on the island of Fuerteventura they can be found in relatively small numbers.
At maturity, female cattle weigh about 600 kilograms, have a light brown coat with a tendency to gray- or cream-white.
It is a horned breed wearing the horns fleetingly, its temperament is calm and well-balanced. This breed was formed from cattle brought to the islands after the conquest and by interbreeding with different native breeds of the peninsula, mainly of the blond tribe (Rubia Gallega, Asturiana de los Valles y de las Montañas, Leonesa, Pirenaica and Retinta). Later on, (with the arrival of the British), the Jersey breed was also introduced to the islands. As a result, Jersey characteristics clearly influenced this breed.
Vaca basta canaria cattle are very much valued on the islands because of their strength. In general, they do not give much milk. In fact, for many years Canary farmers used these cattle to plow their fields, drag loads and even pull their carts. Currently, the Canary Islands government provides subsidies to farmers to breed, maintain and preserve this breed. Vaca basta canaria breeds are very popular among the local people on the islands, (the Guanches).
For the Spanish cattle breeders, I organized information and prospecting days, where the selection criteria for the conservation of the Vaca basta canaria and the monitoring of inbreeding within the different cattle breeds were explained.
In addition, the various aspects involved in judging and selecting cattle for breeding were discussed in detail.
Here the Low Stress Stockmanship method was frequently brought into practice, followed with great interest and highly appreciated by the livestock farmers.
In summary:
Low Stress Stockmanship, Genetics and Cattle Selection were successfully practiced.
Exactly the topics that contribute to the preservation of, and folklore associated with, these traditional Spanish cattle breeds.
Source photos Ronald Rongen
Oktober 2023
Workshop organized by Agrarisch Jongeren Kontakt Oosterhout, on the subject of Low Stress Stockmanship in cattle and pigs, as well as useful tips and tricks, how to apply this in practice as a livestock farmer.
Source text and photo: Anouk Van Den Corput
Oktober 2023
At the request of Dairy Training Centre Oenkerk, LSSE provided a one-day training course on "Low Stress Stockmanship in Practice" for participants of the Professional cattle Pedicure Course.
Ronald Rongen showed future Cattle Claw trimmers, low stress handling of cattle, and why cattle sometimes become stressed.
After a theoretical explanation of how cattle perceive their environment, and how you can react to this, practice followed on a dairy farm.
Various practical situations were also closely analyzed in theory and practice.
All this to realise a safe, efficient and animal-friendly way of working.
Source photos Ronald Rongen
September 2023
Most of Alpuro Breeding's field staff responsible for supervising the rearing of calves were gathered in Uddel for a meeting with LSSE on the topics:
-How do calves experience their environment,
- Why is this important to know,
- How can we put this knowledge into practice efficiently, safely and in an animal-friendly way.
An interactive morning for a very interested and motivated group of calf specialists.
Source photo Ronald Rongen
June 2023
On Friday, June 23, Denkavit organized its relationship day in Voorthuizen for cooperating veal farmers, their partner and employee(s).
As guest speaker I was invited to inform the approximately 140 participants about animal welfare in veal calves, and how this can be implemented and used in practice as a veal farmer.
This was followed by an excellent barbecue and delicious food and drinks.
Source photos Denkavit
June 2023
LSSE was invited by the University of Bristol, School of Clinical Veterinary Science, Division of Farm Animal Science, Langford House, Langford, Bristol, UK to visit the Langford Abattoir at the University.
The purpose of the visit was to discuss and evaluate their receipt facilities for cows, sheep and pigs.
Source photos Ronald Rongen
June 2023
At the request of Dairy Training Centre Oenkerk, LSSE provided a one-day training course on "Low Stress Stockmanship in Practice" for participants of the Professional cattle Pedicure Course.
Ronald Rongen showed future Cattle Claw trimmers, low stress handling of cattle, and why cattle sometimes become stressed.
After a theoretical explanation of how cattle perceive their environment, and how you can react to this, practice followed on a dairy farm.
Various practical situations were also closely analyzed in theory and practice.
All this to realise a safe, efficient and animal-friendly way of working.
Source photos Ronald Rongen
May 2023
At the request of a local authority, I was visiting Spain (including the town of Mijas).
I was in this town with the aim of improving the welfare of the "Mijas Burro Taxi" donkeys.
This by advising on handling, husbandry and animal welfare of these hard-working donkeys.
For more information, please click here
Source photo Ronald Rongen
May 2023
On May 6, the CRV's "Meat Cattle Practice Day" took place for district Central of The Netherlands.
This time at the Belgian white-blue beef cattle farm of the Tupker family (better known as "Hoeve Ravenstein"), in Baarn.
CRV had organised an interesting day program, including a presentation of the current beef bulls and a showing and discussion of the BWB cattle present at Hoeve Ravenstein.
My contribution consisted of a presentation on cow behavior and Low Stress Stockmanship in beef cattle.
In addition, the topic of catching cattle safely and efficiently, and the layout of a correct catch system, was discussed in detail.
It was an enjoyable and educational day for all, thanks to all organizers!
Below pictures as a brief impression of the atmosphere.
Source photos Ronald Rongen
Februari 2023
AB Vakwerk Groep B.V. hecht veel waarde aan gerichte opleiding en training van hun medewerkers.
Op verzoek van AB Vakwerk vonden er twee trainingssessies "Stressarm omgaan met runderen" in Friesland, (bij kaasboerderij “De Deelen” in 8406 AD Tijnje), en twee trainingssessies in Noord-Holland, (bij Mts. Huisman in 1771 MH Wieringerwerf) plaats.
De AB Vakwerk medewerkers kregen naast een theoretisch gedeelte, ook een praktijkdemonstratie bij zowel de kalveren, de vaarzen als ook bij de melkkoeien.
"Wie met runderen omgaat, moet echt op details letten", aldus een enthousiaste AB Vakwerk medewerker.
Source photos Ronald Rongen, AB vakwerk, Kaasboerderij De Deelen
January 2023
Agrarisch Jongeren Kontakt "de Liemers", in cooperation with "Vereniging voor bedrijfsvoorlichting de Lijmers" and "LTO Noord department Liemers-Montferland", organized an informative evening on January 17 for their members about the theme Low Stress Stockmanship in Dairy Farming.
Location: Zalencentrum Staring, Zevenaar, the Netherlands.
Source photo AJK de Liemers
October 2022
Low Stress Stockmanship at Red Deer.
I am in southern Germany on a farm that professionally keeps red deer.
Together with the breeder/hunter I discussed in detail the application of Low Stress Stockmanship and how it can be implemented in practice.
It was with great pleasure that I was able to explain the LSS method in practice (despite the mating season), and show how red deer react to people. If you have an eye for details and know how red deer react to people, you can move these noble animals in a calm and controlled way.
Those present were able to see this for themselves on this farm.
Source photos Ronald Rongen
June 2022
As one of the largest livestock trading organizations and meat producers in Europe, PALI Group is actively involved in the entire chain.
Because for PALI Group the quality of loading, transporting and unloading live animals is a continuous point of attention, I provided an interactive presentation exclusively for the truck drivers and their management at the PALI Group.
Source photos Ronald Rongen and PALI Group
April 2022
Low Stress Stockmanship training voor deelnemers aan de beroepsopleiding Rundveepedicure voor het Dairy Training Centre, Oenkerk.
Source photo Ronald Rongen. Source of text on Facebook Dairy Training Centre: Dairy Training Centre
February 2021
As a guest speaker, I was invited to the CRV Webinar - District 5, Eastern Netherlands-.
With the theme: "Character as a breeding goal.... can cows cope with our behavior?"
You can see my presentation between minute/second 18:58 and 45:18.
Source photo CRV
February 2021
As a guest speaker, I was invited to the CRV Webinar - District 6, Central Netherlands-.
With the theme: "The behavior of the cow is not only determined by her character".
You can see my presentation between minute/second 17:34 and 46:15.
CRV Commissioner Gert-Jan Verploeg shares his experience with cows entering the milking robot for the first time, at minute/seconds 49:40.
Source photo CRV
February 2021
Education and training of students, teachers and instructors at Aeres University of Applied Sciences in Dronten, The Netherlands.
How does the daily handling of calves and the rearing of calves influence the later behavior of dairy cows?
This theme was central during the training days at Aeres Farms, part of Aeres hogeschool in Dronten, the Netherlands.
Given the current regulations regarding the Coronavirus, the theory took place by means of a Webinar.
Several groups have trained under my guidance for two days with cattle and cows in the cowsheds of Aeres Farms.
Starting with the calves in the Igloo up to the dairy cows in and around the milking robot.
Source photos Ronald Rongen
June 2020
Training of professional cattle hoof trimmers.
"AB Vakwerk" believes that it is important for their hoof care staff to know how and why cows react to certain situations in the barn.
If a day is not going well, one of the main causes is stress in cows. Therefore, "AB Vakwerk" organized for 30 of their employees, on a dairy farm in Spanbroek (Netherlands), a Low Stress Stockmanship training around "cows in the claw treatment box".
During an interactive PowerPoint presentation and a practical training in the barn, the participants learned many useful tips from practice.
Source photo logo: AB vakwerk
February 2020
On invitation of the "Joint Service Group for cattle veterinarians West Brabant", I was on stage at "Gasterij de Afspanning" in Heerle, (Netherlands). In the audience, 95 very interested cattle farmers and veterinarians.
Source photo Vee & Arts veterinaire diensten
December 2019
Two days of Low Stress Stockmanship in Friesland, (The Netherlands).
Organized by veterinary practice "A7 Noord Vets" in Drachten/Burgum.
Four lectures and three practical demonstrations for enthusiastic veterinarians and livestock farmers, each time at a different location.
Special thanks to Mrs. Iris Kolkman of "A7 Noord Vets", for the hospitable reception and the very successful organization.
Source photos Iris Kolkman
November 2019
Seminar of "CRV District West-Nederland" on the topics "Breeding and inbreeding in the current Holstein population" and
"How to handle cows in a more animal friendly, safe and efficient way".
Besides explanations about inbreeding and analysis on DNA level, the attendees also got answers to questions about cow behavior and how to deal with it.
Source photo Ronald Rongen, logo: CRV
November 2019
Veterinary practice "De Wolden" and "Evidensia Farm Animals", jointly organized an informative farmer's evening for cattle farmers and customers in Hoogeveen (Netherlands).
As guest speaker, I gave the presentation "A different view of cows, how to recognize, understand and respond to cattle signals".
Source photo Dierenartsenpraktijk De Wolden
November 2019
The "CRV Boerinnendag 2019" took place on November 12 in Markelo (the Netherlands), and on November 19 in Torhout (Belgium).
Both (sold-out) events were a great success with many enthusiastic female farmers.
As in 2018, this year I was the guest speaker for the main theme. This time, "How do cows experience their environment on their way to the milking parlor or milking robot?"
In addition, several workshops took place including the LSSE workshop "Calf signals from birth to weaning".
Source photos Ronald Rongen, José Buijs
November 2019
Denkavit in Voorthuizen, (The Netherlands) organizes the "Calf rearing event 2.0".
This event took place on November 7 at Denkavit's headquarters in Voorthuizen.
Four different speakers, (each from their own expertise) presented interesting lectures on calf rearing.
My lecture: "Prevent stress in calves, let them grow to their maximum potential".
Source photo Denkavit
October 2019
Visiting Romania, at Europe's largest American bison ranch.
You wouldn't expect it, but the Euro Buffalo company is located south of the Romanian city of Salonta.
With 900 American bison on 3000 hectares of pasture, it is the largest American bison farm in Europe.
In 1993 the company started with only 3 bison. Through targeted breeding programs, it grew into a renowned supplier of bison meat and breeding material. Both the meat and the live bison now find their way around the world.
Adult bulls reach a height of up to two meters.
Their body weight is then about 1100 Kg.
Adult cows weigh about 500 Kg.
Those who think that these are slow animals are mistaken.
They reach a top speed of 65 Km. per hour and jump higher than a sport horse!
Then it is safer, more efficient and more convenient if you can handle these animals according to the Low Stress Stockmanship method.
Bison that are not kept or sold for breeding are slaughtered and processed on site in a slaughterhouse.
All business links in one hand: breeding, feeding, sale of breeding animals, meat and marketing.
A unique concept and a unique experience to work with these bison.
Source photos Ronald Rongen
October 2019
As a guest speaker, I was invited to livestock feed company Vitelia Voeders in Oirlo (Netherlands).
They organize a dairy cattle seminar for customers with the theme: "Low Stress Stockmanship and walking behavior of cows in the milking robot". We also discussed the influences of the barn and the milking robot on the final behaviour of the cow.
The afternoon was concluded with a farm visit to dairy farm Custers-Keursten in Oirlo.
Source photos Ronald Rongen, Vitelia Voeders Oirlo
September 2019
On a working visit to the Czech Republic, at Impuls Chovatelské družstvo.
"Impuls" originated from a group of Czech cattle breeders who were looking for an alternative to the Holstein cow breed.
Anno 2019 it is a professional Fleckvieh organization with its own AI station in Bobrová.
Impuls produces and distributes straws of Fleckvieh bulls in close cooperation with Bayern Genetik.
But they do even more:
Through information and education, Impuls tries to bring Czech cattle breeding to a higher level.
During my stay, I gave two seminars ("Low Stress Stockmanship in practice" and "Calf rearing from birth to weaning, how to achieve maximum growth?"), for Impuls employees and Impuls customers. Following this, I visited several large cattle farms.
Source photos Ronald Rongen
September 2019
Fleckvieh educational trip 2019 to the Czech Republic and Bavaria.
A group of very enthusiastic (Fleckvieh) livestock farmers went by bus to the Czech Republic and Bavaria.
The trip was organized by Bayern Genetik Nederland.
During this trip, I treated the cattle farmers to two seminars: ("Low Stress Stockmanship in the Fleckvieh barn" and "Reduction of calf mortality / reduction of mutual suckling in Fleckvieh calves").
In Bavaria, I demonstrated on several dairy farms how the Low Stress Stockmanship method works on Fleckvieh cows.
Source photos Ronald Rongen, Bayern Genetik
September 2019
For the second consecutive year I was a guest speaker at the annual meeting of "DOC Kaas" from Hoogeveen, (Netherlands).
The theme: "Do airplanes and drones influence the behavior and functioning of cows?".
The location was the aviation museum "Aviodrome" in Lelystad.
According to annual tradition the quality milkers of "DOC Cheese" were put in the spotlight by this dairy processor.
Source photo DOC Kaas
February 2019
Livestock feed company Vitelia Voeders in Oirlo (Netherlands) organized several Masterclasses for young livestock farmers.
As a guest speaker, I explained to the enthusiastic and young audience how the Low Stress Stockmanship method works, and what it benefits humans and animals.
Source photo Vitelia Voeders Oirlo
February 2019
At the request of the management of slaughterhouse Etn. Adriaens N.V. in Velzeke (Belgium), I performed an animal welfare audit.
The audit covered all processes between unloading, up to and including stunning and bleeding of the cattle to be slaughtered.
The management makes every effort to ensure that the various process steps are carried out with respect for the animal.
From this perspective, LSSE (as an independent party) was asked to carry out the audit.
The results and recommendations are described by me in the "Animal Welfare Advisory Report".
My findings were then discussed in detail with management.
November 2018
On November 6, the "CRV-Boerindag 2018" took place in the Frisian town of Joure, (Netherlands).
For me, as the first male speaker in the history of the "CRV-Boerindag", a great experience.
After the main topic: "Stress-free working with calves", my workshop: "On the way to the milking parlor" followed.
This contained a lot of information and practical tips about how cows react to certain situations in the milking parlor, and how to respond to specific cow behavior.
On November 13, the second "CRV-Boerindag 2018" took place in the Dutch town of Giesenburg.
Source photos José Buijs
May 2018
LSSE trains the Eyes on Animals team at dairy farm "De Regte Heijden" in Riel (Netherlands) in applying the Low Stress Stockmanship method.
"De Regte Heijden" is one of the few dairy farms in the Netherlands where the calves are suckled with the mother and where the dairy cows wear their horns.
Source photos Eyes on Animals
March 2018
In March, a meeting took place between LSSE and the Eyes on Animals team.
A group of passionate people who want to make everyone aware, in a constructive and educational way, that farm animals and domestic animals are not "utensils".
Animals are sentient beings that deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.
Source photos Eyes on Animals
March 2018
On March 24, the last "Masterclass Water Buffalo Science" of this season took place at water buffalo farm "De Stoerderij" of Arjan Swinkels in Son en Breugel, (Netherlands).
Couldn't be there? No problem: Upon request, Arjan Swinkels will organize another "Masterclass Waterbuffalo Science".
Source photo Arjan Swinkels
March 2018
CRV asked LSSE to give a lecture at four "CRV Winter Meetings" for beef cattle farmers on the theme:
"Breeding and inbreeding in a small population, challenge or threat?".
The audience represented the different beef cattle breeds within CRV.
Source photo Marnix Knetemann
February 2018
The employees of AI-Service Clemens in Stadskanaal, (Netherlands) are trained by LSSE in safe, efficient, fast and animal-friendly handling of cows. Less stress during insemination not only increases job satisfaction and safety, it also has a positive influence on the fertilization result.
Thanks to Leon Clemens of AI-Service Clemens for the assignment.
Source photos Leon Clemens
February 2018
Catching Galloway cattle in Scheemda, (Province of Groningen, The Netherlands).
An endless pasture and a group of Galloways that had absolutely no desire to walk in the barn.
The livestock owner tried many times to catch them, but to no avail.
Before we go into the pasture, first the theoretical explanation in the morning.
Then quietly observe how the animals react to our presence, this is absolutely necessary.
Because of the many herding, these cattle have become very shy and suspicious!
These cattle see a threat in "everything on two legs", they immediately run away.
The participants could now put the theory into practice, and they did so very well.
After about 1.5 hours, all the Galloway cattle were quietly standing in the barn.
All praise goes to the participants!
Source photos Leon Clemens